- Increased five-fold. (缺少主语的残缺句)
- The transporter levels. (缺少谓语的残缺句)
- Such as HeLa and T2 cells. (缺少主语和谓语的残缺句)
- The transporter levels were. (缺少完整思想的残缺句)
- The transporter levels were. Increased five-fold. (可能因拼写错误造成的残缺句)
- The transporter levels were increased five-fold in several cell lines, such as HeLa and T2 cells. (包含主语、谓语和完整思想的完整句)
- The insulin levels increased. Whereas the glucagon levels decreased.
- The insulin levels increased. And the glucagon levels decreased.
在这两个例子中,每个分句都有一个主语和一个谓语(“levels increased” 和 “levels decreased”)。然而,在每个例子中,第一个句子都是一个完整思想,而第二个句子则以从属(第一个例子)或并列(第二个例子)连词开头,因此是不完整的。这些连词用于连接两个独立分句;如果只有一个分句跟连词相关,那么整个句子的意思可能含糊不清。这两个例子都可以通过合并完整和不完整句子并添加一个逗号来加以解决:
- The insulin levels increased, whereas the glucagon levels decreased.
- The insulin levels increased, and the glucagon levels decreased.
连词现在恰当地关联两个独立分句 “The insulin levels increased” 和 “the glucagon levels decreased”。另外,也可以不通过连词,而是使用过渡词来把残缺句重新组织成完整句:
- The insulin levels increased. In contrast, the glucagon levels decreased.
- The insulin levels increased. Additionally, the glucagon levels decreased.
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