学术写作中常用 " both"一词来表示样本、数据集或数值之间的相似性。然而,字典中对 " both"的定义是"一个和另一个",并没有阐明这个词的含义或正确用法。此外," both"既可以用作代词,也可以用作连词,而这两种语境都有各自的语法规则。因此,在学术写作中如何正确使用这个词经常会引起混淆。本篇文章将概述一些关于 " both"的简单使用规范。
作为代词,"both "表示正在讨论两个项目,因此可以用来代替 "the two"。使用"both"来讨论三个或三个以上的事物在语法上是不正确的。
- Both samples were measured. (即:测量了两个样本)
- There were two outliers, and we removed both.
作为连词,"both "只能与 "and "搭配使用,不宜与其他连词短语(如 "as well as "和 "along with")搭配使用。
- Both measurement A and measurement B had a value of 1.
- The assay was both simple and rapid.
- We both mixed and heated the sample.
与短语 "the same"搭配使用
此外,作为连词,"both "强调所讨论的两个实体(无论是名词、动词还是形容词)都同样包含在内。因此,"the same"一词与 "both "搭配使用往往是多余的。你可以去掉其中一个,使写作更加简洁:
- Both measurement A and measurement B had the same value. (错误)
- Measurement A and measurement B had the same value; both measurement A and measurement B had a value of one. (正确)
相比之下,在使用"both "作为代词时,使用 "the same"是可以接受的。
- Both measurements had the same value.
- Both trials had the same number of participants.
- The same conditions were used for both samples.
我们希望这些简单的使用规则和示例能帮助指导您使用"both "一词。如果您有任何意见或问题,请发送电子邮件至 AskAnExpert@aje.com。AJE祝您一切顺利!